About Us

We are a team of experts and betting game enthusiasts who believe anyone should have access to safe, regulated casinos. Thus, we're committed to providing a platform where players can connect to an excellent casino with fast payouts, attractive bonuses, and a wide variety of fun, exciting games.

Our Vision, Mission, and Values

We are no ordinary company. Rather than trying to push a product we developed ourselves, we have positioned ourselves as mediators between the countless companies already populating the casino space, and players such as yourself.

We started out with quite a fundamental question in mind: what do players need? Do they want yet another online casino? Or, would they benefit more from a service that helps them quickly find the best offers provided by already established companies?

For us, the answer was obviously the latter. After all, the online gambling space is already full to the brim with casinos, many of which are more than capable of providing what players want - as long as users know how to access those services.

So, we built this company with the user's needs in mind, catering to the thousands of players out there who struggle to make a choice regarding their betting activities. We hope that our tool can be of use to anyone wishing to dabble in some fun, old-fashioned gambling from the comfort of their home.

Today, we provide a quick and convenient shortcut to some of the world's best digital casinos, displaying the latest offers available. Innovative and user-friendly, we are confident our platform will be a favourite among both beginner and experienced players.



The casinos that we feature on this site are official partners of Invenio. Through our affiliation with them, we are able to provide more beneficial offers to our customers and grant them access to bonuses they wouldn't find out about otherwise.

But what does it take to become our partner? Quite a lot, actually! To keep this platform safe and useful, we had to set the bar pretty high. Invenio only works with the best of the best, and we've implemented a rigorous screening process to ensure we find them.

Rest assured that the partners we've selected can all boast of the following advantages:

  • A valid gambling licence in the region where the casino operates;
  • Access to Gates of Olympus and other popular online slots and casino games;
  • Support for multiple payment methods to keep transactions convenient for players;
  • Glowing reviews and user testimonials that attest to the casino's reputation;
  • Tips and tools to encourage responsible play.;

Invenio Marketing Team

Our company brings together a long list of experts from various fields. Some of our team members have backgrounds in software development, marketing, journalism, finance, and game development. Nevertheless, we all share an interest in the dynamic online casino landscape. We are united in our mission to help people find the most optimal betting conditions and have a safe, enjoyable experience.

At present, we are based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Nevertheless, we strive to maintain a global team and have expert staff all around the world. Our experts hail from all corners of the world and we offer career opportunities internationally.

Are you curious to find out who leads our company? Here is a little more about the people who lead and inspire our team.

Jennifer Wallace

Jennifer Wallace

Jennifer Wallace is our 'insider,' having worked at many casinos in the United States, especially the Meccas of gambling - Atlantic City and Las Vegas. She applies her comprehensive industry knowledge to her evaluation of online casinos. She's seen it all and can spot a great deal (or a scam) a mile away. That's why her input in our casino reviews is invaluable.

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Ralph Berry

From a leading digital marketing strategist to a dedicated casino game reviewer, Ralph is an essential part of our team. He brings over 15 years of experience driving successful marketing campaigns, and also playing tons and tons of games. He knows how to have fun, but he also has a sharp eye for how things should work. Thus, he's great at identifying what the best casino games are, and, as a seasoned player, knows which casinos have the best offers.

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Ralph Berry

Company Culture

Invenio is a collaborative, adventurous workspace. We recognise that our team is the driving force of our platform and we would not be able to accomplish any of our goals without the outstanding work of our team.

For this reason, we strive to nurture the many talents of our highly diverse crew. For example, the Invenio office space is equipped with a rich physical and digital library that we've made available to our staff. We constantly update the list of resources that are freely available for everyone wishing to hone their skills or pick up new ones.

What is more, the company also routinely sponsors additional courses and other paid training for the same reason. We believe in the continuous growth of our team, so we actively invest in the development of our precious teammates.

At the same time, we also know it shouldn't be all work and no play! The entirety of the Invenio team enjoys company retreats and team-building events at regular intervals to help foster stronger relationships between staff members. We find that a friendly working environment is much better for everyone, and these events provide an opportunity to bond with new team members and include everyone on the team.

In addition, Invenio employees also enjoy additional benefits outside of the office. Besides further professional training, we also sponsor gym memberships, superior health insurance plans, and many more. Taking care of our team's mental and physical health has helped ensure a high retention rate. We don't want to see our staff members go and constantly work on strategies to make working here rewarding enough for them to stay.

Get in Touch!

Have any further questions for us? We'd be glad to answer. Simply use the Contact Us form to let us know what's on your mind!

You can also subscribe to the Invenio social media channels to get updates about our platform and get notified of any new offers that may be of interest to you.